Сообщение от tourunov
На основании какого исследования? Там везде уровень липидов был выше, если мне не изменяет память...
да, уровень был там 108 (94 - 119) мг/дл, однако в рекомендациях не очертили нижнюю границу
In men 50 years of age or older or women 60 years of age or older with low-density lipoprotein cholesterol less than 130 mg/dL; not on lipid-lowering, hormone replacement, or immunosuppressant therapy; without clinical CHD, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, severe inflammatory conditions, or contraindications to statins, measurement of CRP can be useful in the selection of patients for statin therapy. (Level of Evidence: B)
The hypothesis of a specific target for hs-CRP in secondary prevention is based on results from pre-determined analyses of the Pravastatin Or Atorvastatin Evaluation and Infection Therapy (PROVE-IT) and from the Justification for the Use of statins in Primary prevention: an Intervention Trial Evaluating Rosuvastatin (JUPITER) trial, which showed that patients who have reached both an LDL-C level < 2.0 mmol/L (less than 80 mg/dL) and an hs-CRP level < 2.0 mg/L had the lowest CVD event rate.
то есть рассматривать статины с целью снижения CRP, принимая во внимание безопасность снижения ЛПНП менее 40 мг/дл