Korzun одобрил(а): и врачам хорошо и женщинам полезно
Да вот, оказывается, не очень-то женщинам алкоголь полезен
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A significant increase of the order of 4% in the risk of breast cancer is already present at intakes of up to one alcoholic drink/day
...the relative risk (RR) for breast cancer in light drinkers versus nondrinkers in the 113 studies was 1.04 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.02 - 1.07). This is a "modest but significant association between light drinking and breast cancer...
А вот определение безопасной дозы
The definition of light drinking in the new analysis was no more than 12.5 g of ethanol per day or 1 drink per day or less.
В общем, как говориццо, либо к умным, либо к красивым