Вы дали интересную ссылку на octogenerians and statins
From strong believers in the statin benefits:
the meta-analysis of 9 studies, consisting of 19 569 patients between 65 and 82 years of age, in addition to studies publishing data on elderly subgroups, including the 4S, CARE, LIPID, and HPS studies, the secondary-prevention subgroup in the PROSPER trial, showed that the use of statins for secondary prevention in elderly patients with documented CHD reduced all-cause mortality 22% and reduced CHD mortality 30%, nonfatal MI was reduced 26%, the need for revascularization 30%, and stroke 25%.
number needed to treat to save one patient was 28
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Gotto "older chronological age in and of itself should not exclude patients from receiving therapy, especially if an otherwise healthy older patient’s remaining years of life may benefit from prevention of the morbidity associated with a coronary event. statins can benefit older patients but raises questions about the optimal intensity of treatment or the best measures of benefit".