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27.10.2015, 18:28
Модератор форума по гематологии
Регистрация: 16.01.2003
Город: Хьюстон, Техас
Сообщений: 83,977
Поблагодарили 34,947 раз(а) за 33,236 сообщений
пилотное исследование из Швейцарии об эффекте однократного введения 500-700 мг железа в/в беременным в третьем триместре для коррекции синдрома беспокойных ног:
19 women in the third trimester of pregnancy with moderate-to-severe RLS and serum ferritin levels <35 µg/l or hemoglobin (Hb) < 11.0 g/dl were included in the study. RLS was graded according to the International Restless Legs Syndrome (IRLS) Study Group rating scale. All participants had a score of ≥20 or had RLS ≥3 times/week. Based on the Hb levels, 500 or 700 mg of FCM was administered over 20 min. The primary end point was a ≥ 50% reduction in the mean IRLS score one week after FCM infusion. The secondary end points included periodic limb movements (PLMs; assessed using nocturnal foot actigraphy), sleep quality (assessed using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index), and safety.
The IRLS score decreased from 23 ± 7 (baseline) to 13 ± 7 (P <0.01), whereas the PLM index decreased from 35 ± 26 (baseline) to 25 ± 20 (P <0.001). Significant improvement in sleep quality was also reported (P <0.029), and treatment was well tolerated. Three serious adverse events were reported, but they were considered unrelated to treatment.
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Вадим Валерьевич.
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