У девочек-подростков с обильными месячными очень часто имеется железодефицит, у половины из них ферритин менее 20, причем только у четверти анемия или микроцитоз, избыточный вес или ожирение было трехкратным фактором риска наличия ЖД у таких детей:
114 young women ages 9-19 years consecutively referred to a Young Women's Hematology Clinic with a complaint of heavy menstrual bleeding; 58 (50.9%) patients had ferritin <20 ng/mL indicating iron deficiency. Of the fifty-eight patients with iron deficiency, only 24 (41.4%) were anemic and 25 (46.3%) were microcytic... Patients had significantly higher odds of having iron deficiency if they were overweight or obese [2.81, 95% CI: (1.25, 6.29)] when compared with patients with normal BMI.
Iron Deficiency without Anemia: a Common yet Under-Recognized Diagnosis in Young Women with Heavy Menstrual Bleeding.
J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2016 Jun 1
Вадим Валерьевич.