Помогает ли железо, принимаемое внутрь, улучшить спортивные достижения? помогает, особенно отчетливо это заметно, если изначальный уровень ферритина был ниже 20:
12 studies with a total of 283 participants were included. Supplementing IDNA athletes with iron improved performance in 6 studies (146 participants) and did not improve performance in the other 6 studies (137 participants). In the 6 studies that showed improved performance with iron supplementation, all used a ferritin level cutoff of ≤20 μg/L for treatment. Additionally, all studies that showed improved performance used oral iron as a supplement.
Sports Health. 2018 May 1:1941738118777488.
Does Iron Supplementation Improve Performance in Iron-Deficient Nonanemic Athletes?
Rubeor A, и соавт.
Вадим Валерьевич.