Впервые медики из Израиля показали, как при в/в лечении ЖДА снижается эндогенный потенциал образования тромбина и снижение активности фактора 8, тем самым снижая риск тромбообразования:
48 participants received intravenous iron and were included in this study. After treatment with intravenous iron, endogenous thrombin potential and peak height decreased in IDA patients by a mean of 122 nmol/l/min (95% confidence interval [CI]: 18-227, P = 0·023) and 52 (95% CI: 27-77, P < 0·001) respectively. Time to peak (peak time) increased by a mean of 24 s (95% CI: 5-42, P = 0·012). FVIII activity was reduced by a mean of 9.6% (95% CI: 2.5-16.7, P = 0·009). In conclusion, treating IDA reduces the blood's coagulability, as evidenced by the change in thrombin generation and FVIII activity levels.
Br J Haematol. 2019 Jan 25.
Intravenous iron treatment reduces coagulability in patients with iron deficiency anaemia: a longitudinal study.
Nashashibi J и соавт.
Вадим Валерьевич.