назначение железа сульфата через день 60 мг лучше переносилось и приводило к раннему повышению гемоглобина в ретикулоцитах и большему росту гемоглобина через 3 недели лечения (+15.8 г/л против +4.1 г/л) по сравнению с ежедневным приемом:
Group 1 received oral iron supplements on alternate day and Group 2 received iron supplements daily. Hemoglobin, reticulocyte hemoglobin equivalent (RET-He), Serum ferritin and Hepcidin level were assessed.
On day 2nd, the rise in Hepcidin was not significant from base line in alternate day therapy group but was significantly increased in daily therapy group. On day 3, the rise in hepcidin was significant from base line in both the groups but the mean change in hepcidin was more in daily therapy group. RET-He began increasing on day 2nd in both the groups. In alternate day therapy group, the rise in RET-He was significant from base line from the day 2nd onwards while the rise in RET-He in daily therapy group was not significant even on day 3. In alternate day iron therapy group, the mean increase in hemoglobin on day 21th (1.58 ±0.53 gm/dl) was significantly more than mean increase among daily therapy (0.41 ± 0.25 gm/dl, P <0.05).
J Assoc Physicians India. 2020 May;68(5):39-41.
A Prospective, Randomized, Interventional Study of Oral Iron Supplementation Comparing Daily Dose With Alternate Day Regimen Using Hepcidin as a Biomarker in Iron Deficiency Anemia
Вадим Валерьевич.