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Старый 24.03.2021, 17:18
Аватар для Dr.Vad
Dr.Vad Dr.Vad вне форума
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Экспериментальная статья, показывающая, что низкое содержание железа в крови, вызванное вирусной инфекцией, может способствовать худшему иммунному ответу на вирус и утяжелению течения болезни - на примере КОВИД-19:

Hepcidin, Hypoferremia, and Viral Infections

Although inflammatory hypoferremia can be beneficial in the context of infections with single-cell organisms that must acquire iron from their host, evidence that low serum iron is protective in the context of viral infections is lacking. In fact, in our experiments with influenza virus, imposing hepcidin-induced hypoferremia resulted in an impaired adaptive immune response, viral persistence, and severe pulmonary disease, suggesting that low serum iron may sometimes be an unhelpful response to infection. Recent reports show that hypoferremia is present in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients on admission to the intensive care unit (ICU). Low serum iron correlated with lymphopenia, and extremely low serum iron (~3 μmol/L) identified COVID-19 patients with severe respiratory hypoxemia, likely secondary to pulmonary damage. This hypoferremia is more profound than in previously reported cohorts of non-COVID-19 ICU patients, including those with sepsis, indicating that extreme hypoferremia may be a particular feature of severe COVID-19 disease. IL-6 drives hepcidin expression, and an unbalanced inflammatory response of high IL-6 and relatively low type I and type III IFN associates with severe COVID-19 and poor outcomes. IL-6-driven and hepcidin-mediated hypoferremia could impair the antiviral adaptive immune response, contributing to the severity of infection.
Hepcidin-Mediated Hypoferremia Disrupts Immune Responses to Vaccination and Infection
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Вадим Валерьевич.