Тромбоцитоз как более 450 был у 8% женщин с ЖДА и ассоциировался с более тяжелой анемизацией и ЖД, коррекция ЖДА привела к нормализации числа тромбоцитов через 2 недели у половины из них и у всех в течение 6 недель лечения:
The mean ± standard deviation (SD) platelet counts of the 440 patients with IDA was 310± 99 × 109/L. With baseline platelet counts>450 × 109 /L as the cutoff for thrombocytosis, patients were divided into 2 groups: 36 (8.1%) in the IDA with thrombocytosis group (mean ± SD platelet count, 522 ± 74 × 109/L) and the remaining 404 in the IDA without thrombocytosis group (mean ± SD platelet count, 291 ± 76 × 109/L). Differences were found in baseline characteristics including white blood cell (WBC) count, hemoglobin (Hb) level, mean corpuscular volume (MCV), transferrin saturation (TSAT), serum iron (SI) level, and total iron-binding capacity (TIBC) between the two groups (P < .05).
From baseline to 8 weeks of continuous iron supplementation treatment, the mean platelet counts in both groups were decreased at 2-week treatment intervals. And in the IDA with thrombocytosis group, half of the patients resolved thrombocytosis after 2 weeks of iron supplementation, and the counts of all patients with thrombocytosis decreased below 450 × 109 /L within 6 weeks.
In conclusion, the rate of reactive thrombocytosis in patients with IDA was 8.1%. IDA patients with thrombocytosis showed more severe anemia, lower ferritin, and more advanced iron deficiency than those without thrombocytosis. Platelet counts of half of the patients with thrombocytosis reduced below cut off of 450 × 109/L for thrombocytosis after 2 weeks of treatment, and all patients resolved thrombocytosis after 6 weeks.
Platelets. 2022 Sep 1;1-6.
Effect of iron supplementation on platelet count in adult patients with iron deficiency anemia.
Вадим Валерьевич.