только обнаружение антител без клинических проявлений бывает до 10% у женщин и автоматически не указывает ни на какой диагноз, у этих женщин незн. повышен риск заболев. соед. ткани со временем
The incidence of a significantly elevated ANA level in the general population is 2.5% [2]. Most people with a positive ANA count are not diagnosed with autoimmune disease, and the probability of future disease is low. This is supported by the fact that autoimmune diseases occur in the general population with a frequency of 5 to 7% [11] and the occurrence of SLE does not exceed 0.1% of the general population [12]. Thus, positive ANA should not encourage extensive diagnosis of CTD in healthy subjects without clinical signs. Moreover, the presence of ANA in the human population suggests that antinuclear antibodies may be an important component of the normal immune response.
Вадим Валерьевич.