цитаты про транзиторную THP у ребенка до 5 лет
Alkaline phosphatase was abnormal at 1510 U/L (61–320); the isoenzyme fractionation revealed liver-specific-AP-activity of 374 U/L and bone-specific-AP-activity of 456 U/L. Calcidiol (25-OH-vitamin-D) level was 49.7 ng/ml (30–100).
A month after the first determination, AP level had declined to 830 U/L. After the careful history, examination and review of the above studies, the diagnosis of THP was made and no further investigations were deemed necessary. As expected AP level normalized at four months (243 U/L; normal less than 282).
The benign elevation of AP is referred to as transient hyperphosphatasemia (THP), a condition most commonly observed in infants and children younger than 5 years of age without evidence of bone, gastrointestinal or liver disease...
Вадим Валерьевич.