Железодефицитная анемия может нарушать регенерацию энтероцитов тонкого кишечника и приводить виллозной (сосочковой) атрофии, тем самым вызывая мальабсорбцию и нарушение усвоения пероральных препаратов - в/в коррекция препаратом железа привела к ликвидации анемии и полной регенерации нормальной слизистой кишечника:
Nutr Hosp. 2009 Oct;24(5):618-621.
Atrophy of the intestinal villi in a post-gastrectomy patient with severe iron deficiency anemia.
Lizarraga A, Cuerda C, Junca E, Bretón I, Camblor M, Velasco C, García-Peris P.
Nutrition Unit, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, España.
Background & aims: Iron deficiency anemia is a common complication of gastric surgery that in certain patients can be refractory to treatment with oral iron and needs to be treated parenterally. Methods: A 48-year woman underwent gastric surgery for a gastric ulcer. She was referred to the nutrition unit for the study and treatment of a 3-year iron deficiency anemia refractory to oral iron supplementation. Blood tests, endoscopy and jejunal biopsy were made to study the case. Results: Intestinal villi atrophy in the absence of celiac disease was the result. She was treated with intravenous iron, resolving the villous atrophy and thus oral iron supplementation could be effective. Conclusion: This case illustrates that iron deficiency may cause villous atrophy. In this setting, parenteral iron administration is necessary to correct the haematological and non-hematological alterations associated with this deficiency.
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А lack of iron alters the efficiency of cell proliferation and regeneration.(10) After bone marrow germinal blood cells, enterocytes have the second highest proliferation rate. Iron deficiency can have non-hematological manifestations, some of which may affect the gastrointestinal tract. Structural and functional abnormalities of the intestine including villous atrophy,(4,5) reduced absorption of D-xylose,(4,5) decrease in intestinal disaccharidase,(6) and alteration in intestinal permeability(7,8) have been previously reported.
Вадим Валерьевич.