Обзор американских кардиологических журналов за неделю (ссылки)
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15.11.2009, 19:26
Ветеран форума
Регистрация: 09.09.2006
Город: Тирасполь
Сообщений: 2,244
Сказал(а) спасибо: 73
Поблагодарили 163 раз(а) за 140 сообщений
Записей в дневнике:
Among patients undergoing PCI for a variety of indications in the CHAMPION PCI and CHAMPION PLATFORM trials, the use of intravenous cangrelor was not superior to clopidogrel 600 mg, either started before or after the procedure
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ACC Launches CV Practice Network
Cardiovascular practices face myriad challenges in today's health care environment — legislative and regulatory threats to payment, demands to demonstrate performance and justify clinical decisions, the emergence of reimbursement models based on efficiency or value, and the rise of new and untested business arrangements. To address these challenges, the ACC last month launched the PINNACLE Network™
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PLATO: Treatment with ticagrelor reduces CV death, MI, and stroke in STEMI patients.
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NCDR® Presents 14 Abstracts at AHA : The American Heart Association accepted 14 NCDR abstracts for presentation at the Annual Scientific Sessions.
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POPULAR: In patients undergoing elective PCI, several platelet function tests can help predict one-year thrombosis but not bleeding events.
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